2.1 Introduction to Global Navigation Satellite Systems (Lecture):
2.1 Lecture introduction GNSS
2.1 TUTOR guidelines GNSS lecture
2.2 Introduction to GIS and GNSS (Practice):
2.2 STUDENT guidelines GIS practice
2.2 TUTOR guidelines GIS practice
2.2 Additional material (Link to video GNSS)
2.2 Additional material (Link to video GIS)
2.3 Satellite imagery data source (Practice):
2.3 STUDENT guidelines of the practice
2.3 TUTOR guidelines DS practice
2.4 Configuration of a GNSS (Practice):
2.4 STUDENT guidelines GNSS practice
2.4 TUTOR guidelines GNSS practice
2.5 Real-time positioning services (Practice):
2.5 STUDENT guidelines RT practice
2.5 TUTOR guidelines RT practice
2.6 Application of GIS in real farm (Case study):
2.6 STUDENT guidelines RF case study
2.6 Reading document of the case study
2.7 Introduction to QGIS (Practice):
2.7 STUDENT guidelines QGIS practice
2.7 TUTOR guidelines QGIS practice
2.7 Additional material (ZIP file)
2.8 Remote sensing and GIS applications in agriculture (Lecture):
2.8 Lecture introduction RS-GIS
2.8 TUTOR guidelines RS-GIS lecture
2.9 Building and agricultural data base (Practice):
2.9 STUDENT guidelines DB practice
2.9 TUTOR guidelines DB practice
2.9 Additional material (ZIP file)